We are convinced that the success of your digital projects lies in the user experience you offer.

Our UX/UI consultants design and transform your digital media (websites, applications, software, etc.) to create an immersive experience.
A detailed understanding of the needs and expectations of your users.

We will conduct research to identify your targets and precisely understand the deep needs of your users.

We collect the best possible solutions, iteratively, because our goal is to guarantee you the best experiences.
UX Research

  • Audits.
  • Benchmarks.
  • Investigations.
  • Comments.
  • Personae…

Ideation & Design

  • Co-creation workshops.
  • Wireframing.
  • Prototyping.
  • User testing...

Offer a relevant and personalised user experience.

Our expert team in UX Design implements tools and a tailor-made methodology to create THE most appropriate digital solution.

A UX Design strategy, the cornerstone of design, is built around 3 pillars:

  • Appearance
    We are talking here about the visual rendering of the user experience. It is essential that the visual aspect inspires credibility and trust while revealing your brand image.
  • The Feeling
    This is the feeling felt by the user when interacting with your interface. You will have to anticipate and understand their reactions and the way they look at your digital solution.
  • Usability
    This part concerns the way in which the functionalities are presented. The user must be able to use the product with fluidity and complete satisfaction.

UX Design, a powerful performance lever

Satisfying your customers is the most important growth lever for your business. We are convinced that an intelligent digital solution is the result of strategic thinking based on the user experience.

By collaborating with Bizzful, you choose to obtain a digital UX solution with the following qualities:

  • Accessible.
  • Easy to use.
  • Ergonomic.
  • Pleasant.
  • Intuitive.
  • Compatible and comfortable (smartphone, tablet, large screens, etc.).

Be attractive and useful: create a more human user experience. Increase your website`s conversion rate. With a UX Design approach, you build customer loyalty and make them your best ambassadors to talk about your products and services.

Our UX Design methodology

Our UX/UI consultants support you in defining and understanding user needs, as well as in setting up creative workshops and designing digital interfaces.

The objective is to optimize the time and cost of developing a solution by limiting the risks and uncertainties of the projects.

  • Establish your objectives
    This phase consists of defining the project, identifying exactly what are the objectives to be achieved. We must fully understand the tenor of the challenges you place in our hands.
  • Define your targets and identify the deep needs of your users
    Based on in-depth research on your users, we create personae sheets. Personae allow you to put yourself in the shoes of your target in order to understand precisely the actions and behaviours that each prospect wishes to accomplish and why. Represented in the form of visual cards, the personae help to share a common vision on the characteristics of the target and serve as a common thread during our design. Afterwards, we define the type of content needed and the way it will be structured within your digital solution.
  • Create the user journey and wireframes
    Understand the interactions between the user and your solution. This step allows us to visualise the journey of a user interacting with the product or interface. This is used to map the mental journey of the user, and therefore to design an interface capable of providing answers to users, according to different scenarios. A first stage of visual design is carried out in the form of wireframes (black/white screen sketches) accompanied by a tree structure. This helps you to project yourself as a priority on the information architecture, the structure of your pages as well as the essential functionalities, before paying attention to the graphic layer.
  • Test prototypes in iteration
    A prototype is a reduced version of your product, which we use to test different versions before putting them online. Testing prototypes on a sample of real users highlights any design flaws before creating the final product. Several rounds of iterative tests are often performed before the design is a perfect fit.

UX Design and UI Design are closely related and are used together to achieve an optimal result. Our teams of designers work with these two approaches, to provide you with a continuous quality service.

Discover our UI Design and Art Direction expertise which relates to the graphic aspect of your digital tools.

Are you interested? Do not hesitate to ask us for a UX design quote for your next project.
Do you have a project?
Let`s talk about it!
Develop your business in an intelligent and sustainable way!
[email protected]
📍 Steinstraße 53 45128
Essen, Germany

Don Bosko 1023
Tirana, Albania